Sunday, March 15, 2009

This is my dream super bike. The price is RM7Xk. I hope one day I could buy it.
In Malaysia, now the price RM7XK up to RM8XK. In Singapore, the price is around RM30K only.

This segment is for motorcycle only. Why this super bike very expensive especially in Malaysia? But, if you go to other countries, you might find out the price is very reasonable. Then, we ask ourselves why??? Out of 97% peoples in Malaysia are underprivileged and the statistic was recorded accurately end of year 2009. Is it because negative support from government? Or there something to hide? My friend makes a joke by saying; biker is almost related to a golf player, this sport is only for rich people. Wait la...until you become a rich man.

Friday, March 13, 2009

At first, I put my idol leader is Tun Dr. Mahathir B Mohammad. But after he retired as Prime Minister of Malaysia, I know a lot of him as sources all around since bloggers, media, newspapers and internet info crossing globally without boundary, all these brought thousand of meanings for peoples know and take advanteges. Then, my idol totally change, where next is Dato' Nik Aziz Nik Mat, Kelantan Menteri Besar. I like his speech, action, the way he serves peoples and never show off. Even though he is in lineup with opposition parties, he still serving peoples in UMNO and BN equally. This is the leader we need in Malaysia.
Dalem - dalem me' dua Damian bbq kapit iyap ini mendung ti cha butun whisky. Un dua butun, tape' ame' dua be' sukat pemuo kidi. Tiga ale'-ale' panggang kini. Atek cha angan / dapun batu pemung ngan pa`ah ini ba`am.
Micheal Dingun ak Sengkuwai is Ubung's hubby. He is a friendly man. Talkative when drink (minum mabuk). But, he is a good man. I could category him as Hard working person. Tiga laki ini senang keja`ie, serita, ti kelaro ngan menjam ala' kimet dulu.

Thursday, March 12, 2009


Willy Ngau wan married (+) to Lucy Usun Japa. Their children on their marriage are (1) Petrus Dungau Ngau, (2) Ursula Uding Ngau, (3) Dora Bulan Ngau and (4) David Apoi Ngau (sequence elders to youngest).

(1) Petrus (+) Elizabeth Lata Nyala. Their children are (1-1) Caroline Petrus, (1-2) Liliana Petrus, (1-3) Shirley Petrus, (1-4) Foronest Petrus, (1-5) O’Neal Petrus, (1-6) Oliver Buling Petrus and (1-7) Abigail Petrus.

(1-1) Caroline (+) Felix. Their child is (1-1-1) Wan (3rd Grandchild of Petrus & Wife)

(1-2) Liliana (+) Martin Lusang. Their children are (1-2-1) Mering and (1-2-2) Ding (1st and 2nd Grandchildren of Petrus and wife respectively).

(2) Ursula U. Ngau (+) Bunja (Iban Folk who left his wife during his wife delivered his son). Her child is (2-1) Allen Lawai.

(3) Dora Bulan Ngau (+) Matius. Their child is (3-1) Laring.

(4) David Apoi Ngau (+) Winifred N. Balang. Their child is (4-1) Frederic Engan Ngau.


Ake' pembet ka' kampung Long Palai, Baram, Sarawak sio' 17th June 1972. Asen amai ke' chin Long Anap, Baram ngan Ue' Ke' chin Long Palai, Baram. Kahwin ne ida 2, jade' ame' ngeline' ka' Long Anap until my age almost 5 years old then tai buwau ka' Long Sebatang, Tinjar (green and fresh place). SRK Long Aton, Tinjar ina ne cha Sekulah Primary ia' uko' ke' sekulah dalem nem uman. Lepa ina tai ka' secondary school ka' SMK Beluru Bakong dalem setengah uman tua' uban dia' lata' muke ame' tai ka' SMK Temenggong Dato' Uyong Lawai Jau, Long San, Baram. Ini lebih nyeng compare to SMK Beluru Bakong. So, sekula kini dalem 3 uman coz here form one until form three only occupied. Form 4 to 5 must transfer to SMK Long Lama, Baram. Form 5 completed, kerja camp balak (Samling) within half year then secured to ITM Bandar Pusat Jengka, Pahang. Pra Sains Ok, Sambung Diploma & Degree ka' Shah Alam, Selangor. Jengan teka' menaip kidi. So, pa ini tua' ne ia' ake' sukat serita. Ahe' kawan-kawan dia' tisen serita ke' tolong continue kidi...

Ake' lo' pe continue kidi la'a. Kun nje' kahwin ngan cha leto asen leto ini pe pekelet kediut. Amai ia asen Mamaloh ngan Imban. Ue' ia ine ne pure Long Moh, Baram (Lepo Jengan). Tape' dalem pengudip ida dalem pemanak ida, ida pisiu imban. Ina uko' leto ke' ne kurang ngeline' dau isiu Kenyah. Be' te ia be'un menjam kenahan dau le pisiu tape ia tisen pisiu 50% tua'.Be' awai me' dua un anak.
We ran out to visit Ubung as she was admitted to Serdang Hospital couple of days before due to high blood pressure. When we reached over, we were served by her family. We hope she will recover as soon as possible. May God bless her family and change her husband's mind to choose Jesus as his saviour. Edong, Winie, Apoi, Damian and Alexander were there during the visit.

Hei...mengumpat orang ke?

Ka' Uma' Rawang - Jojo aged 9 months

Taket Alexander - Edong's cute

My kitty - Christy

My superbike...I love to ride fast...

Kesan Asap Rokok !!!

"Merokok Membahayakan Kesihatan" ini salah satu saranan yang ditulis pada kotak rokok tidak kira apa jenama. "Amaran oleh Kerajaan Malaysia". Tuan-tuan dan puan-puan, kita hayati kata -kata di atas. Kenapa tidak kerajaan tulis berbunyi "Rokok Tidak dijual di Malaysia". Saya faham kalau guna ayat ini. Dulu, orang tua selalu memberi nasihat supaya jangan cuba-cuba hisap rokok, nanti bila sudah besar, kita tidak ada perasaan malu ambil rokok dari kocek baju orang yang lebih tua dari kita. Ada kebenaran dalam nasihat ini. Saya pernah mengalaminya...

Probably the most frequent damage is to the lungs, in the form of chronic obstructive lung disease (COPD), bronchitis and emphysema. This damage results in cough, production of sputum, respiratory infections, reduction of exercise capability and eventually, disability and death. A recent population study has shown that at least 30% of smokers sustain such damage to the lung. Damage to the lung is demonstrable through inexpensive and non-invasive pulmonary function testing (PFT). Showing the patient the amount of damage already done to his lung as expressed in relative lung age can help to convince him that he needs to quit. Smoking causes lung cancer as well as cancer of the mouth and tongue, throat, larynx, esophagus and trachea. These cancers take many years to develop, and are rare under the age of forty.A middle aged patient who has been a long term smoker has a risk of 1-2% per decade of having a lung cancer. As he gets older, the risk/decade increases to 2-3% per decade. This adds up to a risk of approximately 10% for long term cigarette smokers during a lifetime. If a person has had and been cured of a lung cancer, the risk of his developing a second cigarette-related cancer is as high as 25% in the next decade! A person who has had a lung cancer also has an increased risk of developing a second cancer of the mouth, tongue, pharynx, larynx and esophagus. This combined risk is approximately 5% in a decade. Smokers also have a much higher risk of ardiovascular illness than non- smokers, including

  1. heart attack,
  2. peripheral vascular disease and
  3. stroke.

In sum total, cigarette smoking results in the premature death of at least 430,000 Americans each year, with an average of 10 years of productive life lost per person.

Many millions die worldwide.